“Meet Chaos”

Hi, I’m Chaos, and I take pride in being part of this tumultuous world.

Since the dawn of time, I've been responsible for initiating chaos in this world.
By the way, if you're curious about the definition of chaos, it goes like this:

  • Complete confusion and disorder; a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything - The Britannica Dictionary

  • A state of total confusion with no order - Cambridge Dictionary

What would you do without me?
Maybe you'd go crazy.
Just look at the world around you.
Do you see any order?
If you do, then you are bound to be locked up somewhere from the real world.

Here are some examples where you might see me.


If you find yourself working in an office and sitting comfortably at your desk, it can be said that if your desk is not chaotic in some way, then perhaps you need to be let go, because you are simply not putting in the effort to be productive. For instance, a lawyer's or a scientist's desk may often appear quite chaotic, brimming with an array of books, articles, papers, and notes they must diligently go through. Despite the apparent disorder, they are indeed hard at work, deeply engaged in their important tasks and responsibilities.

Chaotic desk brimming with an array of books, articles, and papers.

When you take a moment to gaze into the vast expanse of the sky on a cloudy day, do you ever find yourself noticing any semblance of order amidst the ever-shifting, billowing clouds? Absolutely not! Instead, they seem to move about in complete chaos and unpredictability, swirling and drifting in every direction.

Chaotic ever-shifting, billowing clouds.

Another example that captures this concept beautifully is a bustling crowd in a vibrant city, moving in a chaotic yet surprisingly coordinated manner to avoid collisions and navigate through the urban landscape. Just take a moment to look closely at this image. Doesn’t it appear to be overwhelming and chaotic with the towering buildings, speeding vehicles, and the seemingly endless mass of people everywhere? However, the more you take your time to observe this image, the more you start to discern a hidden sense of order and organization amidst the apparent chaos.

A bustling crowd in a vibrant city moving in a chaotic manner.

What about a furious hurricane? The aftermath of a furious hurricane leaves behind widespread devastation that can be truly heartbreaking, including extensive chaos and profound suffering for many individuals and families who are affected.

Devastated structures in the aftermath of a furious hurricane.

It is not uncommon for dreams to become chaotic and overwhelming, particularly during distressing and unsettling nightmares. Have you ever experienced that disorienting sensation of desperately trying to escape from a challenging scenario, only to awaken suddenly in a haze of confusion about the events that transpired in your mind? This is chaos at work in your dreams, twisting and turning your thoughts into a bewildering tapestry of emotions and scenarios.

What about politics and the ever-changing landscape that comes with it? Do you truly think it is chaotic? Yes, I am also actively involved in the realm of politics. People cast their votes for various representatives in the political arena, which creates confusion among the citizens and generates a sense of chaos that can be overwhelming.

Please take a moment to thoughtfully examine a beautiful tree trunk, focusing intently on its diverse branches and vibrant foliage. Observe the way the sturdy trunk develops, straining to find its perfect balance amidst the surrounding environment. The branches, in noticeable contrast, appear to be in a state of delightful disarray as they each pursue their unique form of equilibrium. Meanwhile, the leaves, while somewhat arranged in a pattern, still reflect a captivating sense of chaos influenced by the erratic and whimsical nature of the branches above.

Prominent intertwined tree branches creating a chaotic order.

You may choose not to trust my words, yet my presence serves a purpose. I stimulate your mind, encouraging you to engage in thoughts and to seek a structured understanding of my nature. One perspective from which to appreciate my inherent beauty, often perceived as chaos, is to examine a photograph capturing a disordered moment.

A fascinating approach to understanding chaos is through the lens of a capturing device, like a camera. Each image featured in this brief essay was captured by such a device, freezing a moment in time for us to explore. Examine these seemingly chaotic images closely and attempt to understand the reasoning behind the disorganized arrangement of the elements. As you scrutinize them further, you'll notice that the chaos begins to reveal a hidden order. Each component in the image is striving for balance, and with each observation, the disarray transforms into a more coherent structure.

Are you excited to create some wonderfully chaotic and visually captivating images but feeling unsure about where to start your creative journey? No worries at all! We’ve got just the perfect solution for you—our affordable online photography courses that will help spark and ignite your creativity in no time!

Sign up below to start capturing chaotic and intriguing images that inspire you.

EltonBP-Basic Photography Course - Online
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Get access to our basic photography class at any time. (This SPECIAL price will be available until 30 June 2025)


Tell us what you think about living in a chaotic environment.

  • Does it make you feel overwhelmed or stressed?

  • Do you believe there are reasons for certain aspects of life to be chaotic, or do you think it's purely a source of confusion?

We’re interested in hearing your thoughts!

Share your thoughts below in the comments section.

Elton Browne

Professional photographer with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art - Photography obtained at the Academy of Art University and a former commercial airline pilot for 39 years. 


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